Abschlussarbeiten / Final Theses
Becker, D., Verbessertes Design einer Direct-Current Current-Transformer Sonde zur Ionenstrahlmessung von elektrischen Raumantrieben, Masterthesis, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, 12/2023.
Junker, J., Ein Radiofrequenz-Generator mit Parallelschwingkreis für den effizienten Betrieb eines Radiofrequenz-Ionentriebwerks, Dissertation, Forschungscampus Mittelhessen – Promotionszentrum für Ingenieure, 09/2022.
Jozsef, E., Der Einfluss von radioaktiver Strahlung auf das Schaltverhalten von MOSFETs, Masterthesis, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, 03/2022.
Falk, C., Implementierung von Charge-Exchange (CEX) Kollisionen in einen Particle-in-Cell-basierten 3D Ionenextraktionscode, Masterthesis, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, 09/2021.
Beller, E., Entwicklung eines geregelten Klasse-E-Verstärkers zum Betrieb eines Radiofrequenz-Generators, Masterthesis, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, 09/2021.
Reeh, A., Der Modellierungsprozess und die Auslegung eines Radiofrequenz-Ionentriebwerks: Ein Simulationstool zur Untersuchung des Plasmas, der Ionenoptik, der induktiven Leistungseinkopplung und der Hochfrequenzgenerierung sowie deren verkoppelten Verhaltens, Dissertation, Justus-Liebig-Universität, 02/2021.
Wolf, N., Entwicklung einer Strahlstromregelung für Radiofrequenz-Ionentriebwerke auf Basis eines experimentell ermittelten Streckenmodells, Dissertation, Justus-Liebig-Universität, 08/2018.
Junker, J., Entwicklung eines Regelalgorithmus zum Betrieb eines Radiofrequenz-Generators auf Basis einer resonanten Schaltungstopologie, Masterthesis, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, 09/2017.
Baruth, T., Untersuchungen zur elektromagnetischen Verträglichkeit von Radiofrequenz-Ionentriebwerken am Beispiel eines RIT4, Dissertation, Justus-Liebig-Universität, 02/2017.
Simon, J., Entwicklung und Aufbau eines Radiofrequenzgenerators zur Versorgung und elektrischen Charakterisierung induktiv-gekoppelter Plasmen in Radiofrequenz-Ionentriebwerken, Dissertation, Justus-Liebig-Universität, 09/2016.
Wolf, N., Systemidentifikation eines Radiofrequenz-Ionentriebwerks zur Entwicklung eines Ionenstrahl-Reglers, Masterthesis, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, 09/2015.
Volkmar, C., Selbstkonsistente numerische 1D/3D Hybridmodellierung von Radiofrequenz-Ionentriebwerken, Dissertation, Justus-Liebig-Universität, 07/2015.
Simon, J., Entwicklung eines HF-Generators für induktive Lasten, Masterthesis, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, 04/2015.
Baruth, T., EMV-Analyse von Radiofrequenz-Ionentriebwerken, Masterthesis, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, 03/2015.
Volkmar, C., Implementierung semi-analytischer und numerischer Solver für elektromagnetische Felder induziert durch beliebig geformte Stromspulen, Masterthesis, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, 08/2014.
Yannik Rover, Rainer Thueringer, Uwe Probst and Chris Volkmar, "Modeling the influence of an electric thruster's ion beam on its global EMC", Frontiers in Space Technologies 4:1287474, 2023. Link.
Felix Kiefer, Kristof Holste, Peter J. Klar, Yannik Rover, Uwe Probst, and Chris Volkmar, "Reverberation chamber for electromagnetic compatibility testing of electric thrusters", Journal of Electric Propulsion 2(9), 2023. Link.
Yannik Rover, Rainer Thueringer, Chris Volkmar, Uwe Probst, Felix Kiefer, Kristof Holste, and Peter J. Klar, "Semi‑anechoic chamber for electromagnetic compatibility tests of electric propulsion thrusters", Journal of Electric Propulsion 2(3), 2023. Link.
Edwin Beller, Christion Roessler, Uwe Probst, Rainer Thüringer, and Chris Volkmar, "A radio-frequency generator for ion thrusters based on a Class-E power circuit", Journal of Electric Propulsion 1(8), 2022. Link.
Patrick Dietz, Andreas Reeh, Konstantin Keil, Kristof Holste, Uwe Probst, Peter J. Klar, and Chris Volkmar, "Global models for radio-frequency ion thrusters", EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation 8(10), 2021. Link.
Arsad Quraishi, Igal Kronhaus, Andreas Reeh, and Uwe Probst, "Mode Transition in Capillary Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency Thruster", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 49(2), 2021, pp. 635. Link.
Leonie J. Buntrock, Chris Volkmar, and Klaus Hannemann, "Sputtering of Mo and Ag with xenon ions from a radio-frequency ion thruster", Review of Scientific Instruments 92(4), 045109, 2021. Link.
Kristof Holste et al., "Ion thrusters for electric propulsion: Scientific issues developing a niche technology into a game changer", Review of Scientific Instruments 91, 061101, 2020. Link.
Andreas Reeh, Uwe Probst, and Peter J. Klar, "Global model of a radio-frequency ion thruster based on a holistic treatment of electron and ion density profiles", European Physical Journal D 73(11), 2019, pp. 273. Link.
Chris Volkmar, Kristof Holste und Jens Simon. „Physik und Technik von Radiofrequenz-Ionentriebwerken“, Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis 28(5), S. 33-39, 2016. Link.
Jens Simon, Uwe Probst, and Peter J. Klar, "Development of a Radio-Frequency Generator for RF Ion Thrusters", Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan 14(ists30), pp. 33-39, 2016. Link.
Chris Volkmar, Ubbo Ricklefs, and Peter J. Klar, "Self-Consistent Numerical 0D/3D Hybrid Modeling of Radio-Frequency Ion Thrusters", Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan 14(ists30), pp. 23-32, 2016. Link.
Chris Volkmar and Ubbo Ricklefs, "Implementation and Verification of a Hybrid Performance and Impedance Model of Gridded Radio-Frequency Ion Thrusters", European Physical Journal D 69(10), 227, 2015. Link.
Chris Volkmar, Jens Simon, and Ubbo Ricklefs, "Numerical Determination of Induced Electric Eddy Fields Inside Arbitrarily Shaped Induction Coils", Journal of Physical Science and Application 4(4), pp. 262-268, 2014.
Edwin Beller, Chris Volkmar, and Uwe Probst, "Determination of thruster impedances in radio-frequency ion thrusters", Proceedings of the 38th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Toulouse, France, 2024.
Luca Henrich, Daniel Becker, Max Sach, Jochen Frey, and Chris Volkmar, "Adapting direct-current current transformers for contactless ion beam measurements of electric propulsion systems", Proceedings of the 38th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Toulouse, France, 2024.
Philip Peters, Uwe Probst, and Chris Volkmar, "Modeling Plasma Heating in Inductively Coupled Plasmas: A Fokker-Planck Approach", Proceedings of the 38th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Toulouse, France, 2024.
Luca Henrich, Edwin Beller, Jan Ibs, Erik Jozsef, Philip Peters, Andreas Reeh, Yannik Rover, Uwe Probst, Jens Simon, Rainer Thüringer, and Chris Volkmar, "Overview of Activities at the Space Electronics Research Group in Giessen", Proceedings of the 9th Space Propulsion Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 2024.
Philip Peters, Uwe Probst, and Chris Volkmar, "Optimizing Global Plasma Models: Incorporating Electron Energy Density Function for Enhanced Thruster Development Efficiency", Proceedings of the 9th Space Propulsion Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 2024.
Edwin Beller, Christian Roessler, Chris Volkmar, and Uwe Probst, "Analysis of Class-E Power Amplifiers as Radio-Frequency Generators", Proceedings of the 37th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Boston, USA, 2022.
Felix Kiefer, Kristof Holste, Peter J. Klar, Yannik Rover, Uwe Probst, and Chris Volkmar, "Reverberation Chamber for Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing of Electric Thrusters", Proceedings of the 37th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Boston, USA, 2022.
Yannik Rover, Rainer Thueringer, Chris Volkmar, Uwe Probst, Felix Kiefer, and Peter J. Klar, "Semi-Anechoic Chamber for EMC Tests of EP thrusters", Proceedings of the 37th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Boston, USA, 2022.
Yannik Rover and Chris Volkmar, "Verification of a radio-frequency generator model in a full-wave 3D EM simulation", Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace Conference 2022, Big Sky, USA, 2022. Link.
Leonie J. Buntrock, Chris Volkmar, Jens Simon, Andreas Neumann, and Klaus Hannemann, "Quartz Crystal Microbalance-based Examination of Sputtering Phenomena of RF Ion Thrusters", Proceedings of the 2020 Space Propulsion Conference, Online Conference, 2021.
Felix Kiefer, Kristof Holste, Chris Volkmar, Rainer Thueringer, and Peter J. Klar, "Reverberation test facility for electromagnetic compatibility testing of electric thrusters", Proceedings of the 8th Russian-German Conference on Electric Propulsion, Online, 2021.
Joscha Schmidt, Andreas Reeh, and Uwe Probst, "Inductively Coupled Heating of Pulsed Plasmas", Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Electronics for Plasma Engineering PE2 Conference, Warsaw, 2019.
Andreas Reeh, Uwe Probst, and Peter J. Klar, "Elegant Approach for Solving the Conservation Laws in Global Modeling of Radio-Frequency Ion Thrusters", Proceedings of the 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Vienna, Austria, 2019.
Tobias Sommavilla and Rainer Thueringer, "EMC Considerations for RIT Engines Based on 3D Full-Wave Field Simulation of Electromagnetic Emission of their RF Coils", Proceedings of the 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Vienna, Austria, 2019.
Rainer Thueringer, Tobias Sommavilla, Kristof Holste, Felix Kiefer, Peter J. Klar, and Chris Volkmar, "Test Facility for EMC Characterization of Electric Thrusters in Operation Using an Evacuated Reverberation Chamber resp. an Anechoic Chamber with Vacuum Vessel and Honey Comb", Proceedings of the 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Vienna, Austria, 2019.
Jan E. Junker, Uwe Probst, and Peter J. Klar, "Development of a Full Bridge Series Resonant Radio-Frequency Generator for Optimized RIT Operation", Proceedings of the 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Vienna, Austria, 2019.
Christian Roessler, Uwe Probst, and Peter J. Klar, "Design and Implementation of a High Voltage Supply for Gridded Ion Thrusters Using Model-Based Control Algorithms", Proceedings of the 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Vienna, Austria, 2019.
Jan E. Junker, Uwe Probst, and Peter J. Klar, "An Alternative Circuit Topology for Radio-Frequency Generators Driving RIT", 7th Russian-German Conference on Electric Propulsion and Their Applications, Rauischholzhausen, Germany, 2018.
Christian Roessler, Uwe Probst, and Peter J. Klar, "Development of a Controlled High Voltage Power Supply for Gridded Ion Thrusters", Proceedings of the 35th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Atlanta, USA, 2017.
Andreas Reeh, Uwe Probst, and Peter J. Klar, "3D Ion Extraction Code incorporated self-consistently into a numerical Model of a Radio-Frequency Ion Thruster", Proceedings of the 35th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Atlanta, USA, 2017.
Jens Simon and Uwe Probst, "High-Performance Digital-controlled Radio-Frequency Generator for RF Ion Thrusters", Proceedings of the 6th Russian-German Conference on Electric Propulsion, Samara, Russia, 2016.
Jens Simon, Chris Volkmar, and Uwe Probst, "High-Precision Power Measurement for Accurate Characterization of RF Ion Thrusters", Proceedings of Space Propulsion 2016, Rome, Germany, 2016.
Chris Volkmar, Ubbo Ricklefs, and Peter J. Klar, "Self-Consistent Numerical 1D/3D Hybrid Modeling of Radio-Frequency Ion Thrusters", Proceedings of the 34th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Kobe-Hyogo, Japan, Proc. IEPC-2015-408/ISTS-2015-b-408, 2015.
Timo Baruth, Rainer Thueringer, and Peter J. Klar, "Radiated Emission Simulation of a RIT-4", Proceedings of the 34th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Kobe-Hyogo, Japan, Proc. IEPC-2015-411/ISTS-2015-b-411, 2015.
Niklas Wolf, Uwe Probst, and Peter J. Klar, "System Identification of a Radio-Frequency Ion Thruster", Proceedings of the 34th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Kobe-Hyogo, Japan, Proc. IEPC-2015-292/ISTS-2015-b-292, 2015.
Jens Simon, Uwe Probst, and Peter J. Klar, "Development of a Radio-Frequency Generator for RF Ion Thrusters", Proceedings of the 34th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Kobe-Hyogo, Japan, Proc. IEPC-2015-289/ISTS-2015-b-289, 2015.
Jens Simon and Uwe Probst, "Theory and Development of a Radio-Frequency Generator for Inductively-Coupled Plasmas", Proceedings of the 5th Russian-German Conference on Electric Propulsion, Dresden, Germany, 2014.
Chris Volkmar and Ubbo Ricklefs, "Self-Consistent Equivalent Circuit Diagram Modeling of a Radio-Frequency Ion Thruster Based on a 3D Inductively-Coupled Plasma Solver", Proceedings of the 5th Russian-German Conference on Electric Propulsion, Dresden, Germany, 2014.
Chris Volkmar and Ubbo Ricklefs, "Modeling of Electrical Parameters of an Inductively-Coupled Plasma Generator in 3-Dimensional Cartesian Space", Proceedings of Space Propulsion 2014, Cologne, Germany, 2014.
Chris Volkmar, Jens Simon, and Ubbo Ricklefs, "Numerical Determination of Induced Electric Eddy Fields Inside Arbitrarily Shaped Induction Coils", Proceedings of the 33rd International Electric Propulsion Conference, Washington, D. C., USA, Proc. 85, 2013.
Timo Baruth and Rainer Thueringer, "Examination of the External Magnetic Field Generated by a Radio-Frequency Ion Thruster (RIT)", Proceedings of the 33rd International Electric Propulsion Conference, Washington, D. C., USA, Proc. 196, 2013.
Chris Volkmar, Timo Baruth, Jens Simon, Ubbo Ricklefs, and Rainer Thueringer, "Arbitrarily Shaped Coils' Inductance Simulation Based on a 3-Dimensional Solution of the Biot-Savart Law", Proceedings of the 36th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE 2013), Alba Iulia, Romania, pp. 210-215, IEEE, 2013. Link.
Jens Simon und Uwe Probst, Steuerungseinheit zur Steuerung eines Hochfrequenzgenerators, Patentschrift EP3340746B1, erteilt am 5.5.2021.
Andreas Reeh, Steuerschaltung für eine Oszillatorschaltung zum Betrieb von parallelgespeisten Oszillatoren, angemeldet (DE) am 14.12.2018, angemeldet (EU) am 13.12.2019, veröffentlicht (DE) am 18.06.2020.
Chris Volkmar und Ubbo Ricklefs, Induktionsheizspule, Patentschrift EP3145275B1, angemeldet (EU) am 18.09.2015, veröffentlicht am 22.03.2017, erteilt am 20.04.2022.