


T. Stetz, “Autonomous Voltage Control Strategies in Distribution Grids with Photovoltaic Systems – Technical and Economic Assessment”, Dissertation an der Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik der Universität Kassel, 2013

Peer Reviewed Journal Publications (Listed)

Kraiczy, M., Stetz, T., Braun, M. (2017), "Parallel Operation of Transformers with On Load Tap Changer and Photovoltaic Systems with Reactive Power Control", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid - DOI: 10.1109/TSG.2017.2712633

Stetz, T., Diwold, K., Braun, M., Geibel, D. (2014), "Techno-Economic Assessment of Voltage Control Strategies in Low Voltage Grids", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid - Special Issue on Control Theory and Technology in Smart Grid, DOI: 10.1109/TSG.2014.2320813

von Appen, J., Stetz, T., Braun, M., Schmiegel, A. (2014), "Local Voltage Control Strategies for PV Storage Systems in Distribution Grids", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, DOI: 10.1109/TSG.2013.2291116

Stetz, T., Kraiczy, M., Braun, M., Schmidt, S. (2013), "Technical and Economical Assessment of Voltage Control Strategies in Distribution Grids"', Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, DOI: 10.1002/pip.2331

Stetz, T., Marten, F., Braun, M. (2012), "Improved Low Voltage Grid-Integration of Photovoltaic Systems in Germany", IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Vol.4, Issue 2, pp.534-542, DOI: 10.1109/TSTE.2012.2198925

Braun, M., Stetz, T., Bründlinger, R., Mayr, C., Ogimoto, K., Hatta, H., Kobayashi, H., Kroposki, B., Mather, B., Coddington, M., Lynn, K., Graditi, G., Woyte, A. and MacGill, I. (2012), "Is the distribution grid ready to accept large-scale photovoltaic deployment? State of the art, progress, and future prospects", Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 20:681-697, DOI: 10.1002/pip.1204\\

Peer Reviewed Journal Publications

Büdenbender, K., Braun, M., Stetz, T., Strauss, P. (2011), "Multifunctional PV Systems offering additional Functionalities and Improving Grid Integration", International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources, Vol.7,pp.109-128, Kassel, 2011

Speckmannm, M., Schlögl, F., Hochloff, P., Lesch, K., Stetz, T., Braun, M. (2011), "The RegModHarz Architecture - Facing Challenges caused by the Transformation to a Distributed Energy System", International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources, Kassel, 2011

Publications in Proceedings of Scientific Conferences

M. Hofmann, M. Franz, T. Stetz, M. Hajdu, "Comparison of Best Practices for Evaluation of New Power Line Connections in Automated Power Systems Planning", in Proc. NEIS Conference 2020, Hamburg, 2021

M. Hofmann, T. Stetz, D. Rühl, H. Koch, S. Lechner, "Methodology for Evaluation of unused Photovoltaic Rooftop Potentials based on real Distribution Grid Data and georeferenced Solar and Land Registry Data", in Proc. NEIS Conference 2020, Hamburg, 2020

T. Stetz, "Distribution Grid Integration of Photovoltaic Systems in Germany - Implications on Grid Planning and Grid Operation", in Proc. IX International Conference on Renewable Energy, Energy Saving and Energy Education (CIER 2017), Havanna, 2017

M. Kraiczy, G. Lammert, T. Stetz, S. Gehler, G. Arnold, M. Braun, S. Schmidt, H. Homeyer, U. Zickler, F. Sommerwerk, C. Elbs, „Parameterization of Reactive Power Characteristics for Distributed Generators: Field Experience and Recommendations“, in Proc. VDE ETG Congress, Bonn, 2015

H. Wang, T. Stetz, F. Marten, M. Kraiczy, S. Schmidt, M. Braun, „Controlled Reactive Power Provision at the Interface of Medium- and High Voltage Level: First Laboratory Experiences for a Bayernwerk Distribution Grid using Real-Time-Hardware-in-the-Loop-Simulation“, in Proc. VDE ETG Congress, Bonn, 2015

M. Kraiczy, T. Stetz, H. Wang, S. Schmidt, M. Braun, „Entwicklung des Blindleistungsbedarfs eines Verteilnetzes bei lokaler Blindleistungsregelung der Photovoltaikanlagen im Niederspannungsnetz“, in Proc. VDE ETG Konferenz „Von Smart Grids zu Smart Markets“, Kassel, 2015

H. Wang, T. Stetz, M. Kraiczy, K. Diwold, S. Schmidt, M. Braun, „Blindleistungsoptimierung für den Netzübergabepunkt Hochspannung/ Mittelspannung durch Nutzung eines zentralen Regelungs-verfahrens, in Proc. VDE ETG Konferenz „Von Smart Grids zu Smart Markets“, Kassel, 2015

C.D. Lopez, B. Idlbi, T. Stetz, “Shortening Time-Series Power Flow Simulations for Cost-Benefit Analysis of LV-Netowrk Operation with PV Feed-In”, in Proc. IEEE Power&Energy Student Summit, 2015

T. Stetz, M. Kraiczy, K. Diwold, B. Noone, A. Bruce, I. MacGill, B. Bletterie, R. Bründlinger, C. Mayr, K. de Brabandere, C. Dierckxsens, W. Yibo, S. Tselepis, A. Iaria, A. Gatti, D. Cirio, Y. Ueda, K. Ogimoto, K. Washihara, M. Rekinger, D. Marcel, C. Bucher, B. Mather, “High Penetration PV in Local Distribution Grids, Outcome of the IEA PVPS Task 14 Subtask 2”, in Proc. 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Amsterdam, 2014

H. Wang, T. Stetz, M. Kraiczy, A. Birk, C. Töbermann, M. Braun, „Parallel Operation of Photovoltaic Inverters with Autonomous Voltage Control Strategies – Comparison of Q(V)/P(V) and Automatic Voltage Limitation“, in Proc. 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Amsterdam, 2014

J. von Appen, T. Stetz, B. Idlbi, M. Braun, „Enabling high Amounts of PV Systems in Low Voltage Grids using Storage Systems“, in Proc. 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Amsterdam, 2014

K. Ogimoto, K. Washihara, I. MacGill, B. Mather, T. Stetz, C. Mayr, R. Bründlinger, A. Iaria, E. Gaglioti, M. Rekinger, K. de Brabandere, S. Tselepis, J. Remund, C. Bucher, K. Frederiksen, W. Yibo, B. Kulwaree, “High Penetration PV in Power Systems, Outcome of the IEA PVPS Task 14 Subtask 3”, in Proc. 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Amsterdam, 2014

Stetz, T., Töbermann, J.-C., Kraiczy, M., von Appen, J., Braun, M., Brantl, J., Schmidt, S., Schmiegel, A.U., Premm, D., Bröscher, S., Jung, A., „Zusatznutzen von Photovoltaik-Wechselrichtern mit kombinierter Q(U)-P(U)-Regelung in der Niederspannung“, 29. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie, Bad Staffelstein, 2014

Stetz, T., Kraiczy, M., Diwold, K., Kämpf, E., Töbermann, J.-C., Braun, M., Schmidt, S., Schmiegel, A.U., Premm, D., Jung, A., Bröscher, S., "Parallel Operation of Photovoltaic Systems and Transformer with OLTC", in Proc. VDE ETG Conference, Berlin, 2013

Kraiczy, M., Braun, M., Wirth, G., Stetz, T., Brantl, J., Schmidt, S., "Unintended Interferences of Local Voltage Control Strategies of HV/MV Transformer and Distributed Generators", 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Paris, 2013

Idlbi, B., Diwold, K., Stetz, T., Braun, M., "Cost-Benefit Analysis of Central and Local Voltage Control Provided by Distributed Generators in MV Networks", in Proc. IEEE PowerTech Conference, Grenoble, 2013

Löther, S., Stetz, T., Braun, M., "Voltage Control Capabilities of Biogas Plants in Parallel Operation - Technical and Economical Assessment", in Proc. IEEE PowerTech Conference, Grenoble, 2013

Braun, M., Kämpf, E., von Appen, J., Kraiczy, M., Stetz, T., Töbermann, J.-C., Brantl, J., Schmidt, S., Bröscher, S., Premm, D., Schmiegel, A., "Forschungsprojekt "`PV-Integrated"' - technisch und wirtschaftlich verbesserte Netzintegration von PV-Anlagen in Verteilnetze", in Proc. 28th Symposium on Photovoltaic Solar Energy, Bad Staffelstein, 2013

Kraiczy, M., Stetz, T., Braun, M., Schmidt, S., "Untersuchung der Wechselwirkungen zwischen der lokalen Spannungsregelung des Umspannwerks-Transformators und der lokalen Blindleistungsregelung dezentraler Erzeugungsanlagen im Verteilnetz", in Proc. 28th Symposium on Photovoltaic Solar Energy, Bad Staffelstein, 2013

Stetz, T., Wolf, H., Probst, A., Eilenberger, S., Braun, M., Saint-Drenan, Y.-M., Kämpf, E., Schmidt, S., Schöllhorn, D., "Stochastical Analysis of Smart-Meter Measurement Data", in Proc. VDE ETG Conference, Stuttgart, 2012

Braun, M., von Appen, J., Barth, H., Degner, T., Diwold, K., Geibel, D., Kämpf, E., Marten, F., Niedermeyer, F., Stetz, T., „Neue Auslegung und Betriebsführung von verteilnetzen in dezentralen Versorgungsstrukturen“, 17. Kasseler Symposium Energie-Systemtechnik, Kassel, 2012

Stetz, T., Braun, M., Nehrkorn, H.-J., Schneider, M., "Methods for Maintaining Voltage Limitations in Medium Voltage Systems", in Proc. VDE ETG Conference, Würzburg, 2011

M. Braun, J. von Appen, W. Yan, E. Kämpf, T. Stetz, C. Ma, „Maßnahmen für eine verbesserte PV-Netzintegration“, in Proc. VDE ETG Conference, Würzburg, 2011

Yan, W., Braun, M., von Appen, J., Kämpf, E., Kraiczy, M., Ma, C., Stetz, T., "Operation Strategies in Distribution Systems with high level PV penetration", in Proc. ISES Solar World Congress, Kassel, 2011

Stetz, T., von Appen, J., Braun, M., Wirth, G., "Cost-Optimal Inverter Sizing for Ancillary Services - Field Experience in Germany and Future Considerations", in Proc. 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, 2011

Stetz, T., Braun, M., Künschner, J., Engel, B., "Cost-Optimal Sizing of Photovoltaic Inverters", in Proc. 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Valencia, 2010

Stetz, T., Yan, W., Braun, M., "Voltage Control in Distribution Systems with high level PV-Penetration", in Proc. 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Valencia, 2010

Braun, M., Stetz, T., "Wirtschaftlich optimierte Blindleistungsbereitstellung durch Photovoltaikanlagen in Niederspannungsnetzen", in Proc. 25th Symposium on Photovoltaic Solar Energy, Bad Staffelstein, 2010

Büdenbender, K., Stetz, T., Emmerich, R. et al. 2010, "Ladestrategien für Elektrofahrzeuge", in Proc. VDE-Kongress, Leipzig, 2010

Braun, M., Büdenbender, K., Stetz, T., Thomas, U., "Activation of Energy Management in Households - The Novel Local Consumption Tariff for PV Systems and its Influence on Low Voltage Distribution Grids", in Proc. VDE ETG Conference, Düsseldorf, 2009

Arnold, G., Braun, M., Reimann, T., Stetz, T., Valov, B., "Optimal Reactive Power Supply in Distribution Networks - Technological and Economic Assessment for PV Systems", in Proc. 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, 2009

Braun, M., Stetz, T., "Multifunctional Photovoltaic Inverters - Economic Potential of Grid-Connected Multifunctional PV-Battery-Systems in Industrial Environments", in Proc. 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Valencia, 2008

Publications in Technical and Scientific Magazines

T. Stetz, J. von Appen, F. Niedermeyer, G. Scheibner, R. Sikora, M. Braun, „Twilight of the Grids – The Impact of Distributed Solar on Germany’s Energy Transition“, IEEE Power&Energy Magazine, March/April 2015

von Appen, J., Braun, M., Stetz, T., Diwold, K., Geibel, D., "Time in the Sun", IEEE Power&Energy Magazine, March/April 2013

Stetz, T., Braun, M., "Decentralized approaches for voltage rise mitigation in low voltage grids - a case study", Elektrotechnik\&Informationstechnik, 128/4, pp.105-109, 2011

Other Scientific Publications

Kraiczy, M., Al Fakhri, L., Stetz, T., Braun, M., "Do It Locally: Local Voltage Support by Distributed Generation - A Management Summary", Management Summary of the IEA Task 14 Subtask 2 - Recommendations Based on Research and Field Experience, International Energy Agency, IEA-PVPS T14-08:2017, 2017

Kämpf, E., Braun, M., Stetz, T., Stepanescu, S., "Reliable Controllable Reactive Power for the Extra High Voltage System by High Voltage Distributed Energy Resources - Economic Attractiveness and Practical Implications", Publication available on, 2015

Strauß, P., Braun, M. et al. 2015, "PV-Netzintegration - Energiesystemtechnische Aspekte und Umsetzungswege", Auswertung im Rahmen des Gesamtvorhabens "Netzintegration von Photovoltaikanlagen" des BMUB, Kassel, 2015

Stetz, T., Rekinger, M., Theologitis, I., "Transition from Uni-Directional to Bi-Directional Distribution Grids", Management Summary of IEA Task 14 Subtask 2 - Recommendations Based on Global Experience, International Energy Agency, IEA-PVPS T14-03:2014, ISBN: 978-3-906042-24-4, 2014