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- Andreas Penirschke >
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Best Student Poster Prize A. Angelovski, M. Hansli, A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby, A. Kuhl, S. Schnepp, T. Weiland, H. Schlarb, M. Bousonville: „Realization of a high Bandwidth Bunch Arrival-Time Monitor with Cone-shaped Pickup Electrodes for FLASH and XFEL”, IPAC 2011 - International Particle Accelerator Conference, San Sebastian, Spain, 2011. Best Paper Award M. Puentes, A. Penirschke, M. Schüßler, R. Jakoby: „Microwave Mass Flow Meter for Industrial Applications based on a Left-handed Transmission Line”, GeMiC2009 - German Microwave Conference 2009, München, Germany, 2009. Best Graduate Student Paper Award A. Penirschke, M. Puentes, H. Maune, M. Schüßler, A. Gaebler, R. Jakoby: „Microwave Mass Flow Meter for Pneumatic Conveyed Particulate Solids”, I2MTC2009 - International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Singapore, Singapore, 2009. EEEfCOM Innovationspreis 2007 - 1. Platz (Universitäten) A. Penirschke, A. H. Maune, M. Schüßler, R. Jakoby: „Mikrowellenbasierte Massendurchfluss-Sensorik zur Prozessüberwachung,” RadioTecC Berlin, Germany, 2007. (http://www.gerotron.de).
A. Penirschke: Hochauflösende Mikrowellensensoren zur berührungslosen Detektion der Konzentration und Strömungsgeschwindigkeit von pulverisierten Feststoffen, Dissertation an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt, 2009, Shaker Verlag Aachen, ISBN 978-3-8322-9003-0.
A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby, M. Schüßler, H. Maune: „Device and Method for Determining at least one Parameter of a Medium”, Europäische Patentanmeldung Nr. EP2087323, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 07.11.2007. A. Penirschke, M. Schüßler, R. Jakoby: „Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Bestimmung zumindest eines Parameters eines Mediums”, Deutsches Patent Nr. DE 102006052637, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 08.11.2006. A. Penirschke, B. Allenberg, und R. Jakoby: „Antenneneinrichtung zur Ein- oder Auskopplung von Mikrowellen in rohrförmigen Hohlkörpern und Vorrichtung zur Massenstrommessung mittels derartiger Antenneneinrichtungen,” German Patent DE 10 2004 057 087 B3 / 19.01.2006, 2006.
A. Angelovski, M. Kuntzsch, M.K. Czwalinna, A. Penirschke, M., C. Sydlo, V. Arsov, S. Hunziker, H. Schlarb, M. Gensch, V. Schlott, T. Weiland, R. Jakoby: “Evaluation of the cone-shaped pickup performance for low charge sub-10 fs arrival-time measurements at free electron laser facilities”, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 18, 012801 (2015) – Published 30 January 2015. M. Hoefle, K. Haehnsen, I. Oprea, O. Cojocari, A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby: “Compact and Sensitive Millimetre Wave Detectors Based on Low Barrier Schottky Diodes on Impedance Matched Planar Antennas”, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Volume 35, Issue 11, pp.891-908, DOI 10.1007/s10762-014-0090-z. M. Hoefle, A. Penirschke, O. Cojocari, T. Decoopman, M. Trier, P. Piironen, M.G. Périchaud, R. Jakoby: ” 89 GHz zero-bias Schottky detector for direct detection radiometry in European satellite programme MetOp-SG”, Electronics Letters, Year: 2014, Volume: 50, Issue: 8, Pages: 606 - 608, DOI: 10.1049/el.2014.0222. A. Angelovski, A. Kuhl, M. Hansli, A. Penirschke, S. Schnepp, M. Bousonville, H. Schlarb, M. K. Bock, T. Weiland, R. Jakoby: „High Bandwidth Pickup Design for Bunch Arrival-time Monitors for Free-Electron Laser“, in Physical Review Special Topics – Accelerators and Beams (PRST-AB), Vol. 15(11), pp. 1-8, 2012. A. Penirschke, A. Angelovski, R. Jakoby: „Mikrowellenbasierter Massendurchflusssensor auf Basis von zweidimensionalen linkshändigen Leitungsstrukturen”, in tm Technisches Messen Vol. 79, No. 3, pp. 143-151, DOI 10.1524/teme.2012.0174, Oldenburg Verlag, 2012. A. Penirschke, M. Puentes, M. Schüßler, R. Jakoby: „Massendurchflusssensor für pneumatisch geförderte, pulverisierte Feststoffe in Förderleitungen, basierend auf linkshändigen Leitungsstrukturen”, in tm Technisches Messen Vol.77, No. 2, DOI 10.1524/teme.2010.0017, Oldenburg Verlag, 2010. Penirschke, R. Jakoby: „Microwave Mass Flow Detector for Particulate Solids Based on Spatial Filtering Velocimetry”, in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 56, pp. 3193-3199, 2008. S. Müller, A. Penirschke, C. Damm, P. Scheele, M. Wittek, C. Weil, R. Jakoby: „Broad-Band Microwave Characterization of Liquid Crystals Using a Temperature Controlled Coaxial Transmission Line“, in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 53, pp. 1937-1945, 2005. M. Chantler, M. Petrou, A. Penirschke, M. Schmidt, G. McGunnigle: „Classifying Surface Texture while Simultaneously Estimating Illumination Direction“, in VISI International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 62(2005), Nr. 1-2. pp. 83-96, 2005.
A. Penirschke, M. Sobornytskyy, S. Preu, M. Mittendorff, S. Winnerl, M. Hoefle, O. Cojocari, R. Jakoby: “Compact quasi-optical Schottky detector with fast voltage response”, Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz), 2014 39th International Conference on, Year: 2014,Pages: 1 - 2, DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2014.6956027 D. Lu, Y. Zheng, M. Schüssler, A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby: „Highly sensitive chipless wireless relative humidity sensor based on polyvinyl-alcohol film”, Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), 2014 IEEE, Year: 2014, Pages: 1612 - 1613, DOI: 10.1109/APS.2014.6905132 D. Lu; Y. Zheng; A. Penirschke, A. Wiens, W. Hu, R. Jakoby.: “Humidity dependent permittivity characterization of polyvinyl-alcohol film and its application in relative humidity RF sensor“,Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2014 44th European, year: 2014, Pages: 163 - 166, DOI: 10.1109/EuMC.2014.6986395 M. Hoefle, K. Haehnsen, I. Oprea, O. Cojocari, A. Penirschke, and R. Jakoby, “Highly Responsive Planar Millimeter Wave Zero-Bias Schottky Detector with Impedance Matched Folded Dipole Antenna,” in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, 2013. M. Hoefle, A. Penirschke, O. Cojocari, A. Amrhein, T. Decoopman, P. Piironen, and R. Jakoby, “1/f-Noise Prediction in Millimeter Wave Detectors Based on Quasi Vertical Schottky Diodes,” in 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 2013. M. Hoefle, A. Penirschke, O. Cojocari, and R. Jakoby, “Broadband Zero-Bias Schottky Detector for E-field Measurements up to 100 GHz and Beyond,” in 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 2013. A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby: „Metamaterial Transmission Line Resonators for Structural Moisture Sensing in Buildings”, in Proceedings of the IEEE/ I2MTC2013 - International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2013. A. Penirschke, A. Angelovski, C. Sydlo, M. Bousonville, A. Kuhl, M. K. Czwalinna, H. Schlarb, T. Weiland, R. Jakoby: „Bunch arrival time monitors; Concepts towards improving the sensitivity for low charge operation for FLASH II and XFEL“ DPG2013 - Deutsche Physiker Gesellschaft, Frühjahrstagung, Dresden, Germany, 2013. A. Angelovski, A. Penirschke, C. Sydlo, U. Mavric, C. Gerth, R. Jakoby.: “Planar transmission line pickups for beam position monitoring in particle accelerators”, Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2013 European, Year: 2013,Pages: 1235 - 1238 A. Angelovski, A. Penirschke, C. Sydlo, U. Mavric, C. Gerth, R. Jakoby: „Design of planar pickups for beam position monitor in the bunch compressor at FLASH and XFEL“, DPG2013 - Deutsche Physiker Gesellschaft, Frühjahrstagung, Dresden, Germany, 2013. A. Angelovski, A. Kuhl, A. Penirschke, S. Schnepp, M. Bousonville, H. Schlarb, T. Weiland, R. Jakoby: „Pickup Design for High Bandwidth Bunch Arrival-time Monitors in Free-Electron Lasers“, DPG2012 - Deutsche Physiker Gesellschaft, Frühjahrstagung, Göttingen, Germany, 2012. A. Kuhl, J. Rönsch-Schulenburg, J. Roßbach, M. K. Czwalinna, M. Bousonville, H. Schlarb, C. Sydlo, S. Schnepp, T. Weiland, A. Angelovski, R. Jakoby, A. Penirschke: „Analysis of the Electro-Optical Front End for the New 40 GHz Bunch Arrival Time Monitor“, in Proceedings of the IBIC2012 - International Beam Instrumentation Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 2012. J. Roensch-Schulenburg, E. Hass, A. Kuhl, T. Plath, M. Rehders, J. Rossbach, N. Baboi, M. K. Bock, M. Bousonville, C. Gerth, K. Klose, T. Limberg, U. Mavric, H. Schlarb, B. Schmidt, S. Schreiber, B. Steffen, C. Sydlo, S. Wesch, S. Vilcins-Czvitkovits, A. Angelovski, R. Jakoby, A. Penirschke, T. Weiland, S. Schnepp: „Generation of Ultra-Short Electron Bunches at FLASH”, in Proceedings of the FEL2012 - 34th International Free-Electron Laser Conference, Nara, Japan, 2012. A. Penirschke, A. Angelovski, M. Hansli, R. Jakoby, C. Sydlo, M. K. Czwalinna, M. Bounsonville, H. Schlarb, A. Kuhl, S. Schnepp, T. Weiland: „RF Front End for High Bandwith Bunch Arrival Time Monitors in Free-Electron Lasers at DESY“, in Proceedings of IBIC2012 - International Beam Instrumentation Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 2012. A. Angelovski, M. Hansli, A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby, C. Sydlo, M. K. Czwalinna, H. Schlarb, M. Bousonville, A. Kuhl, S. Schnepp, T. Weiland: „Realization and Measurements of Cone-Shaped Pickups for Bunch Arrival-Time Monitors for FLASH and XFEL“, in Proceedings of IBIC2012 – International Beam Instrumentation Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 2012. A. Angelovski, M. Hansli, A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby, A. Kuhl, S. Schnepp, T. Weiland, H. Schlarb, M. Bousonville: „Realization of a high bandwidth bunch arrival-time monitor with cone-shaped pickup electrodes for FLASH and XFEL“, in Proceedings of the IPAC2011 - 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference, San Sebastian, Spain, 2011. A. Angelovski, R. Jakoby, A. Kuhl, A. Penirschke, S. Schnepp, M. K. Bock, M. Bousonville, P. Gessler, H. Schlarb, J. Roensch-Schulenburg, J. Roßbach, T. Weiland: „Pickup Design for a High Resolution Bunch Arrival Time Monitor for FLASH and XFEL“, in Proceedings of the DIPAC2011 - 10th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators, Hamburg, Germany, 2011. A. Kuhl, S. Schnepp, T. Weiland, A. Angelovski, A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby, M. K. Bock, M. Bousonville, P. Gessler, H. Schlarb, J. Rönsch-Schulenburg, J. Roßbach: „Analysis of new pickup designs for the FLASH and XFEL bunch arrival time monitor system“, in Proceedings of the DIPAC2011 - 10th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators, Hamburg, Germany, 2011. A. Kuhl, S. Schnepp, T. Weiland, A. Angelovski, A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby, M. Bousonville, H. Schlarb: „Sensitivity and tolerance analysis of a new bunch arrival time monitor pickup design for FLASH and XFEL“, in Proceedings of the IPAC2011 - 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference, San Sebastian, Spain, 2011. M. Hansli, A. Angelovski, A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby, P. Hülsmann, W. Ackermann, T. Weiland: „Investigations on High Sensitive Sensor Cavity for Longitudinal and Transversal Schottky for the CR at FAIR“, in Proceedings of the IPAC2011 - 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference, San Sebastian, Spain, pp. 1180-1182, 2011. M. Hansli, A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby, W. Kaufmann, W. Ackermann, T. Weiland: „Conceptual Design of a high Sensitive Versatile Schottky Sensor for the Collector Ring at FAIR“, in Proceedings of the DIPAC2011 - 10th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators, Hamburg, Germany, 2011. M. Hansli, A. Angelovski, A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby, P. Hülsmann, W. Kaufmann, W. Ackermann, T. Weiland: „Coupling Methods for the Highly Sensitive Cavity Sensor for Longitudinal and Transverse Schottky Measurements“, in Proceedings of the BIW12 - 2012 Beam Instrumentation Workshop, Newport News, VA, USA, 2012. M. Hoefle, A. Penirschke, A. Amrhein, O. Cojocari, M. Trier, R. Jakoby: „Addressing the Temperature Stability in an 89GHz Schottky Detector Design for Radiometry“, in Proceedings of the IRMMW-THz2012 - 38th International Conference on Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Wollongong, Australia, 2012. M. Hoefle, A. Penirschke, A. Amrhein, O. Cojocari, M. Trier, P. Piironen, R. Jakoby: „Detector Design for 89GHz Direct Detection Radiometer with New European Low Noise Zero-Bias Schottky Diodes”, in Proceedings of the ESA Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop 2012, Noordwijk, Netherlands, 2012. A. Kuhl, A. Angelovski, A. Penirschke, S. Schnepp, T. Weiland, R. Jakoby: „Design eines hochauflösenden Ankunftszeitmonitors für FLASH“, DPG2011 - Deutsche Physiker Gesellschaft, Frühjahrstagung, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2011. A. Kuhl, A. Angelovski, A. Penirschke, S. Schnepp, R. Jakoby, T. Weiland: „Report on the development of a new pickup for the bunch arrival time monitor system at the accelerator FLASH and XFEL in Hamburg“ in Proceedings of the ICCE2011 - 2nd International Conference on Computational Engineering, Darmstadt, Germany, 2011. M. Hoefle, M. Koeberle, A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby: „Millimeter wave Vivaldi antenna array element with high performance liquid crystals“, in Proceedings of the IRMMW-THz2011 - 36th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Houston, TX, USA, 2011. M. Hoefle, A. Penirschke, O. Cojocari, R. Jakoby: „Advanced RF characterization of new planar high sensitive zero-bias Schottky diodes“, in Proceedings of the IEEE/EuMIC2011 - European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2011. A. Penirschke, A. Angelovski, R. Jakoby: „Cross-Sectional Detection of Flow Inhomogeneities for Pneumatic Conveyed Pulverized Solids Using a Helix-Shaped CRLH-Mass Flow Sensor“, in Proceedings of the Sensor2011 - Sensor und Test Conferences, Nürnberg, Germany, 2011. M. Hansli, R. Jakoby, A. Penirschke, W. Ackermann, T. Weiland, W. Kaufmann: „Conceptual Design of a High Sensitive Versatile Schottky Sensor for the Collector Ring at FAIR“, in Proceedings of the IPAC2011 - 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference, San Sebastian, Spain, 2011. M. Hoefle, M. Koeberle, A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby: „Millimeterwave Vivaldi Antenna with Liquid Crystal Phase Shifter for Electronic Beam Steering“, in Proceedings of the 6th ESA Workshop on Millimetre-Wave Technology and Applications, Espoo, Finland, 2011. M. Hoefle, K. Schneider, A. Penirschke, O. Cojocari, R. Jakoby: „Characterization and impedance matching of new high sensitive planar Schottky detector diodes“, in Proceedings of the GeMiC2011 - German Microwave Conference, Darmstadt, Germany, 2011. M. Koeberle, M. Hoefle, M. Chen, A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby: „Electrically Tunable Liquid Crystal Phase Shifter in Antipodal Finline Technology for Reconfigurable W-Band Vivaldi Antenna Array Concepts“, in Proceedings of the EuCAP2011- 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Rome, Italy, 2011. M. Puentes, M. Schüßler, A. Penirschke, C. Damm, R. Jakoby: „Metamaterials in Microwave Sensing Applications“, in Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors 2010, Limerick, Ireland, 2010. M. Hoefle, M. Koeberle, M. Chen, A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby: „Reconfigurable Vivaldi antenna array with integrated antipodal finline phase shifter with liquid crystal for W-Band applications“, in Proceedings of the IRMMW-THz2010 - 35th International Conference on Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Rome, Italy, 2010. A. Penirschke, A. Angelovski, R. Jakoby: „Helix Shaped CRLH-Massflow-Sensor For The Detection Of Pneumatically Conveyed Inhomogeneous Distributed Pulverized Mixtures” in Proceedings of the APCOT2010 - 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology, Perth, Australia, 2010. A. Penirschke, A. Angelovski, R. Jakoby: „Moisture insensitive microwave mass flow detector for particulate solids“, in Proceedings of the IEEE/I2MTC2010 - Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Austin, TX, USA, pp. 1309-1313, 2010. M. Puentes, M. Schüßler, C. Damm, A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby: „Capacity Sensor for Belt Conveyor Systems Based on Planar Metamaterials“, in Proceedings of the META2010 - 2nd International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Cairo, Egypt, 2010. M. Puentes, B. Stelling, M. Schüßler, A. Penirschke, C. Damm, R. Jakoby: „Dual Mode Sensor for Belt Conveyor Systems Based on Planar Metamaterials“, in Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors 2009, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2009. M. Puentes, B. Stelling, M. Schüßler, A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby: „Sensor for Permittivity and Velocity Detection Based on Metamaterial Transmission Line Resonator“, in Proceedings of the IEEE/EuMW2009 - 39th European Microwave Conference, Rome, Italy, 2009. M. Puentes, M. Schüßler, A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby: „Microwave Mass Flow Meter for Industrial Applications based on a Left-handed Transmission Line“, in Proceedings of the GeMiC2009 - 4th German Microwave Conference, München, Germany, 2009. A. Penirschke, M. Puentes, M. Schüßler, R. Jakoby: „Left-Handed Transmission Line Mass Flow Meter for Particulate Solids in Pipelines“, in Proceedings of the Sensor2009, 14. Internationaler Kongress für Sensoren, Technologien, Elektronik und Anwendungen, Nürnberg, Germany, 2009. A. Penirschke, M. Puentes, H. Maune, M. Schüßler, A. Gaebler, R. Jakoby: „Microwave mass flow meter for pneumatic conveyed particulate solids“, in Proceedings of IEEE/I2MTC - Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Singapore, Singapore, pp. 583-588, 2009. A. Gaebler, F. Goelden, S. Mueller, A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby: „Direct simulation of material permittivities by using an eigen-susceptibility formulation of the vector variational approach“, in Proceedings of the IEEE/I2MTC - Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Singapore, Singapore, pp. 463-467, 2009. A. Penirschke, A. Rijiranuwat, H. Maune, M. Schüßler, R. Jakoby: „Microwave Mass Flow Sensor for Process Monitoring Applications“, in Proceedings of the IEEE/MTT-S IMS2008 - International Microwave Symposium, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2008. S. Müller, M. Köberle, F. Gölden, A. Penirschke, A. Gaebler, A. Lapanik, W. Haase, R. Jakoby: „W-Band Characterization of Anisotropic Liquid Crystals at roomtemperature“, in Proceedings of the IEEE/EuMW2008 - 38th European Microwave Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2008. A. Penirschke, M. Schüßler, R. Jakoby: „New Microwave Flow Sensor based on a Left-Handed Transmission Line Resonator“, in Proceedings of the IEEE/MTT-S IMS2007 - International Microwave Symposium, Honolulu, HI, USA, pp. 393-396, 2007. H. Maune, M. Schüßler, A. Penirschke, C. Damm, R. Jakoby: „Left-Handed Transmission Line for Permittivity Measurements“, in Proceedings of the Metamaterials Conference 2007, Rome, Italy, 2007. A. Penirschke, H. Maune, M. Schüßler, R. Jakoby: „Mikrowellenbasierte Massendurchflusssensorik zur Prozessüberwachung“, in Proceedings of RadioTeC2007 - Radio Technologies and Technologies for Commercial Communication and Sensing Applications, Berlin, Germany, pp. 1-15, 2007. A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby: „Microwave Sensor for Accurate Material Density Measurements of Gas/Solid flows in Pipelines“, in Proceedings of the 36th IEEE/EuMW2006 - European Microwave Conference, Manchester, England, pp. 443-446, 2006. A. Penirschke, S. Müller, F. Gölden, A. Lapanik, V. Lapanik, V. Bezborodov, W. Haase, R. Jakoby: „Cavity Perturbation Method for Temperature Controlled Characterization of Liquid Crystals at 38GHz“, in Proceedings of the GeMiC2006 - German Microwave Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 1-4, 2006. A. Penirschke, R. Jakoby: „Accurate Material Density Measurements of Particulate Solids in Pipelines with a Novel Microwave Flow Sensor“, in Proceedings of the 13. ITG/GMA Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2006, Freiburg, Germany, 2006. A. Penirschke, M. Schüßler, M. Vossiek, P. Gulden, R. Jakoby: „Neural Networks for Microwave Characterization of Arbitrary Shaped Material Samples in Leaky Cavities“, in Proceedings of the GeMiC2005 - German Microwave Conference, Ulm, Germany, pp. 33-36, 2005. A. Penirschke, M. Schüßler, M. Vossiek, P. Gulden, R. Jakoby: „Moisture detection of materials in leaky cavities using microwave techniques“, in Proceedings of the EuMW2005 - European Microwave Conference, Paris, France, 2005. A. Penirschke, J. Freese, J. Biebel, B. Allenberg, R. Jakoby: „Novel integrated coaxial line to cylindrical waveguide directive couplers in pipelines for process monitoring applications“, in Proceedings of the IEEE MTT-S IMS2005 - International Microwave Symposium Digest, Long Beach, CA, USA, 2005. A. Penirschke, S. Müller, P. Scheele, C. Weil, M. Wittek, C. Hock, R. Jakoby: „Cavity Perturbation Method for Characterization of Liquid Crystals up to 35GHz“, in Proceedings of the IEEE/EuMW2004 - 34th European Microwave Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 545-548, 2004. A. Penirschke, J. Freese, M. Schüßler, R. Jakoby: „Neural Networks for Microwave Characterization of Material Samples in Rectangular Cavities“, in Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE/ISSPIT2003 - International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, Darmstadt, Germany, pp. 609-611, 2003. M. J. Chantler, G. McGunnigle, A. Penirschke, M. Petrou: „Estimating Lighting Direction and Classifying Textures“, in: Proceedings of the BMVC2002 - 13th British Machine Vision Conference, Cardiff, United Kingdom, S. 737-746, 2002. A. Penirschke, M. J. Chantler, M. Petrou: „Illuminant rotation invariant classification of 3D surface textures using lissajous’s ellipses“, in Proceedings of the TEXTURE2002 - 2nd International Workshop on Texture Analysis and Synthesis, Copenhagen, Denmark, S. 103-107, 2002. A. Penirschke: „Illumination invariant classification of 3D surface textures“, in Research Memorandum, (RM/02/4), Dept. of Computing and Electrical Engineering, Texture Lab, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2002.Auszeichnungen / Preise
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