Current research projects
Development of downstream processes for nanoplexes
- Cell culture derived viral vectors
- Cell culture derived oncolytic viruses.
- Development of chromatographic methods for the purification of nanoplexes
- Steric exclusion chromatography
- Restricted access media
- Development of vaccine formulations
Fig.1: Process overview for the production of Orf virus in mammalian cells1
Projects funded by:
- Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
- Hessian Ministry for Science and the Arts (HMWK)
- Industry Partners
Development of formulations of biological insecticides
- Production of viral insecticides in insect cell cultures to control Drosophila suzukii.
Projects funded by:
- Hessian Ministry for Science and the Arts (HMWK)
- Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Microfluidic approach for the quantification of infectious virus particles
- Quantification of a cell culture derived baculovirus (model virus) as well as pharmaceutically relevant viral candidates
Fig.2: Analytical methods for the quantification of viruses and virus-like particles.
Project funded by:
Development of a platform technology for the production of recombinant antimicrobial proteins and peptides
1 K. Lothert, F. Pagallies, F. Eilts, A. Sivanesapillai, M. Hardt, A. Moebus, T. Feger, R. Amann, M.W. Wolff, A scalable downstream process for the purification of the cell culture-derived Orf virus for human or veterinary applications, J. Biotechnol., 323 (2020) 221-230.