Lichen Gallery

The descriptions have been taken over in parts from different authors; e.g. CNALH, Dobson: Lichens (2005); James & White: Nephroma (1987); Krog & Östhagen: Ramalina (1980); Linda in Arcadia: Greek Lichen Flora (2016); Purvis et al.: The Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland (1992); Wirth: Flechtenflora (1995), Die Flechten Deutschlands (2013); Wirth & Düll: Farbatlas Flechten und Moose (2000); Smith et al.: The Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland (2009); Wirth et al.: Die Flechten Deutschlands (2013); Wirth & Kirschbaum: Flechten einfach bestimmen (2014, 2017 and 2023).

By clicking on a photo it will become enlarged.

Recent edition: October 2023.

Copyright: Ulrich Kirschbaum.

 (Proposals for corrections are desired).


Abbreviation: Coll/ident: Collected and identified by ...

If not mentioned: Collected and identified by myself.

It is my intention to document the relevant characteristics of the lichens.