Hagen Lauer
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Sprechstundentermine vor Ort (A20.1.22) während des Semesters und nach Vereinbarung.

Sprechstunde (online) freitags 1400 unter "Sprechstunde - Prof. Dr. Lauer" über THM PILOS
Link: https://pilos.thm.de/rooms/pfq-gz1-osx
Zuganscode: 449-936-399

Keine Sprechstunde am 20. und 27.9.2024!

IT-Sicherheit, Informatik

Aktuelle Veranstaltungen

  • Decentralized Security 
  • Einführung IT-Security (WiSe 24)
  • IT-Sicherheit im Unternehmen
  • Computer Forensik (WiSe 24)
  • Blockchain-Technologies (WiSe 24)

Aktuelle Publikationen

  • Geroge Gkoktsis, Lukas Jäger and Hagen Lauer, Towards Mission Aware Cyber-Resiliency with Autonomous Agents, Australasian Information Security Conference 2023, Jan 02, 2023, Melbourne, AU.
  • Hagen Lauer and Christoph Krauß, CyberGrid: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Security Protocols in Energy Systems - Testbed Report, 16th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (CRITIS 2021), Jul 31, 2021, Lucerne, CH.
  • Sophie Marchand, Cristian Monsalve, Thorsten Reimann, Wolfram Heckmann, Jakob Ungerland, Hagen Lauer, Stephan Ruhe and Christoph Krauß, Microgrid Systems: Towards a Technical Performance Asessment Frame, MDPI Energies 2021, 14(8).
  • Hagen Lauer, Amin Sakzad, Carsten Rudolph, Surya Nepal, Bootstrapping Trust in a ,,Trusted'' Virtualized Platform, ACM Computer and Communications Security (CCS) workshop on Cybersecurity Arms Race (CYSARM) 2019, 11-15 November 2019, London, UK.
  • Hagen Lauer, Amin Sakzad, Carsten Rudolph, Surya Nepal, A Logic of Secure Stratified Systems and its Application to Containerized Systems, 18th International Conference on Trust, Security, and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCOM) 2019, 5-8 August 2019, Rotorua, NZ.
  • Hagen Lauer, Ahmad Salehi, Carsten Rudolph, Surya Nepal, User-Centred Attestation for Layered and Decentralized Systems, Network and Distributed Systems Security (NDSS) Symposium 2018, Workshop on Decentralized IoT Security and Standards (DISS), 18-21 February 2018, San Diego, CA, USA.
  • Hagen Lauer, Nicolai Kuntze, Hypervisor-Based Attestation for Virtual Environments, 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced and Trusted Computing, July 18-21 2016, Toulouse, France.