734 European Economic Policy

  • Jens Klose
  • Jens Klose
Notwendige Voraussetzungen zur Teilnahme

Mindestens 40 CrP aus den ersten beiden Fachsemestern


Institutionen, Arbeitsweisen und Interdependenzen in der Europäischen Wirtschaftspolitik


European economic integration: Beginning after the world wars, EC/EU, monetary union.

European fiscal policy: Financial policy, national vs European actors, coordination of European fiscal policy.

European monetary policy: Theory of money supply, tasks and goals of monetary policy, the Eurosystem.

The interaction of monetary and fiscal policy in Europe: Stabilization policy in small and large open economies, stabilization policies in a monetary union and under uncertainty

European monetary and fiscal policy in the financial crisis and beyond: New fiscal institutions, additional measures of the ECB, further developments in economic integration.

Qualifikations- und Lernziele

In this module students learn to describe the economic functioning of various European organizations and their interdependencies with national actors. They are able to analyze and describe the interdependencies between the institutions. Moreover, students learn to explain the sources, effects and relative importance of economic decisions using theoretical models. They learn to judge upon the adequacy of economic suggestions and decisions by designing scenarios of possible effects and draw conclusions based on this.

The students know about the process of European integration. They are able to explain the differences in models of economic policy and their respective figures appropriate for target groups, in accordance with changing situations and understandable.
The students are able to name from a European viewpoint the relevant fiscal regulations, which are important for business administrators in medium size enterprises. They investigate which promotions to expand the German infrastructure are available and explain the foundations economic decisions are based on.
Methodenkompetenzen (fachlich & überfachlich)
The students are able to implement adequate and complex mathematical models based on concrete case studies, in order to calculate the causal impact of political decisions upon macroeconomic variables. They know how to present the results in an easy fashion to the wider audience.
The content of speeches by European politicians can be analyzed by the students. They are able to formulate questions based on those speeches and reproduce the essence of the speeches correctly. The students take their own point of view to remarks of politicians (or other students etc.) and are able to defend their position based on sound arguments or falsify the arguments of others based on theoretical considerations.
They deal with their own and governmental responsibility and develop their own attitude based on concrete examples and with respect to economic integration, are able to critically reflect those and to explain economic aspects in a concise manner.
On an excursion, the students discuss the questions raised within the module with experts from national and European institutions. The insights generated can be used to find solutions to the problems and to adopt it to other topics.
The students reflect within the semester upon the knowledge gained in the context of their future job.
ECTS-Leistungspunkte (CrP)
  • 6 CrP
  • Arbeitsaufwand 180 Std.
  • Präsenzzeit 60 Std.
  • Selbststudium 120 Std.
Lehr- und Lernformen
  • 4 SWS
  • Betriebswirtschaft (B.Sc. 2021) - 5. - 6. Semester
1 Semester
Häufigkeit des Angebots
Nach Bedarf


Bonuspunkte werden gemäß § 9 (4) der Allgemeinen Bestimmungen vergeben. Art und Weise der Zusatzleistungen wird den Studierenden zu Veranstaltungsbeginn rechtzeitig und in geeigneter Art und Weise mitgeteilt.


Klausur, teilweise Antwort-Wahl-Verfahren

(Anzahl wird zu Veranstaltungsbeginn rechtzeitig und in geeigneter Art und Weise bekannt gegeben)

Die Bewertung des Moduls erfolgt gemäß §§ 9, ggf. 12 (Teilleistungen), ggf. 18 (Arbeiten, Kolloquien) der Allgemeinen Bestimmungen (Teil I der Prüfungsordnung).
Gemäß § 5 der Allgemeinen Bestimmungen (Teil I der Prüfungsordnung) Verwendbarkeit in allen Bachelorstudiengänge der THM möglich.
Literatur, Medien

Klose, J. (2018), Europäische Wirtschaftspolitik, Schäffer-Poeschel.

Blanchard, O. und Illing, G. (2013): Makroökonomie, 6. Auflage, Pearson.

Baßeler, U.; Heinrich, J. und Utrecht, B. (2010): Grundlagen und Probleme der Volkswirtschaft, 19. Auflage, Schäffer-Poeschel.

Görgens, E.; Ruckriegel, K. und Seitz, F. (2014): Europäische Geldpolitik, 6. Auflage, UVK-Lucius.

Wohltmann, H.-W. (2012): Grundzüge der makroökonomischen Theorie, 6. Auflage, Oldenbourg-Verlag.

Belke, A. und Polleit, T. (2009): Monetary Economics in Globalised Financial Markets, 1. Auflage, Springer.

De Grauwe, P. (2016): Economics of Monetary Union, 11. Auflage, Oxford University Press.

Baldwin, R. und Wyplosz, C. (2015): The Economics of European Integration, 5. Auflage Mc Graw Hill Education.

Skript, Übungsaufgaben

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