- Master
Diploma - winter semester
- 3 semesters
- Special conditions
- Friedberg
- semester fee
Welcome to the postgraduate course in Control, Computer and Communications Engineering. To read about this course in English, please change the language at the top right of the screen.
The Control, Computer and Communications Engineering course provides students with well-founded theoretical and application-oriented knowledge in the fields of Control Engineering, Computer Engineering and Communications Engineering. The special profile (unique selling point) of the course is the concentration on the synergy of different sub-areas of electrical, information and communication technology with a special focus on the development of safety-critical, networked, intelligent, electrotechnical systems. The master's degree, which focuses both on individual sub-areas and on their integration into a complex system, serves to prepare you for an engineering profession and gives you access to a doctorate. Due to the international character of the study programme and the teaching language English, the graduates are prepared for jobs in international companies.
The course conveys scientifically sound concepts, methods and techniques in breadth and depth in order to develop new products and services in an interdisciplinary context. By working on current research and development projects, students can choose their own individual focus.