Students with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses and their companions can complete a semester or internship abroad or take part in short-term mobility, such as a summer school.
- All majors are eligible.
- You can have your achievements abroad recognized for your studies.
Preferably choose one of our European Erasmus+ partner universities, but stays worldwide are also possible (see below).
Here you will find an overview of the partner universities.
Some mobilities can also take place in the so-called virtual or blended format.
- virtual mobility: online study at a partner university from home.
- blended mobilities: virtual part combined with a short stay of 5-30 days at the partner university.
Ask the International Office whether and which offers are available (This email address is being protected from spam bots! To display JavaScript must be turned on! )
In Europe
Erasmus code: D GIESSEN02 PIC: 972166496 ID: E10164878 SCHAC: ECHE: ECHE 2021-27, EPS 2021-27
Erasmus + financial benefits
- Country-dependent, monthly residence allowance (Funding amount of the country groups)
- grant for sustainable Travel (Green Travel Top up) up to 6 funded sustainable travel days
- from GdB 20/ proven chronic illness with additional financial needs
- additional monthly subsidies of flat rate 250 € (Honorable mention top-ups / Honorary declaration top-ups (English)) or
- DAAD special grant of up to €15,000/semester or €30,000/year upon application (Financing additional costs for barrier-free accommodation, travel support, medical care abroad, adaptation of learning materials, an accompanying person, etc.)
- promotion for preparatory trips
This applies if these costs are not covered by other providers or health insurance after a previous check.
Download area of the long application for a special grant
Outside of Europe
Stays outside of Europe are possible. Please seek individual advice from BliZ and the International Office.
Various programmes to support living and travel expenses are available:
- HAW International,
- Country partnerships with the USA and Australia,
- Fulbright Commission for USA (German nationals only)
You can find detailed information on the DAAD website:
Personal advice at the THM :
Use our Consulting offer for chronically ill/ visually impaired THM students. That BliZ supports you during your stay abroad with a disability.
Contact the International Inclusion Officer This email address is being protected from spam bots! To display JavaScript must be turned on! , Bliz!
More resources:
- Experience report of a former THM student
- Special funding for students with disabilities | DAAD
- Practical example of special support for students with disabilities | DAAD
- WheelMap
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