The THM receives 680,000 euros from the state of Hesse for the application-related further development of 3D printing technology. The state of Hesse supports the THM with around 680,000 euros in the application-related further development of 3D printing technology in individualized medicine. Business Secretary Mathias Samson handed over the funding decision on Wednesday in Wiesbaden. The project, whose scientific work is based on economic needs, is funded equally by the European Regional Development Fund and the state of Hesse.

“Promoting innovation is the focus of the Hessian state government. We consistently rely on the transfer of knowledge and technology,” emphasized the State Secretary. There are already numerous research activities and innovative companies in Hesse. However, there is a need to link these two fields even more closely in order to increasingly convert research results into products. "This will only succeed if science and business align their goals in dialogue," said Samson.

In the course of the project, the THM will prepare its knowledge of 3D manufacturing technologies in such a way that it can be applied generally. This gives companies the opportunity to deal intensively with the topic of 3D printing and to gain experience in the application. Interested companies are encouraged to actively participate in a project advisory board; the Advisory Board is to be founded by the THM before the end of this year.

"By supporting the THM , we are sending a decisive signal towards small and medium-sized companies in order to remain economically and technologically successful in the long term," said the State Secretary.