The topic of sustainability is becoming increasingly important for companies from various perspectives. For this reason, Hessenmetall's sustainability working group visited the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen ( THM ).
At the event held in Friedberg on the topic “Sustainability – How to determine the CO2-Balance sheet of your company” 20 specialists and managers from various companies who are members of Hessenmetall took part. These represent the interests of their members in dialogue with employees, the metal industry union, politics and administration. The hosts Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schrems and Prof. Holger Rohn from the Business Administration and Engineering (WI) department first introduced the guests to THM Friedberg and the WI department. The companies present then discussed points of contact with the topic of CO 2-Balance sheet, accounting, products and potential as well as existing and future challenges discussed. The individual aspects were illustrated by research results and practical examples presented by the THM hosts. Important topics of the conversation were: the CO 2footprint, the federal government's climate policy goals and the reduction of CO2-Emissions in the context of sustainable corporate management.
Part of the event was also a tour of the THM Friedberg WI learning factory. It is the image of a real production company for competence development through innovative problem- and project-oriented events, including in the host's major area of study, Life Cycle Management (LCM). LCM is a concept that equally takes into account the complex connections between economic, technical, social and ecological aspects in entrepreneurial thinking and actions. Due to the companies' great need to sensitize and further train their own staff on the topic of sustainability, ideas for Professional Development formats were finally discussed in cooperation with Hessenmetall, the hosts and the educational organization of the Hessian economy.