A group of students from the TH Mittelhessen studied with Prof. Dr. Stephan Marzi the “22. European Conference on Fracture” in Belgrade. With over 600 participants, the week-long event is one of the largest conferences in the field of fracture mechanics worldwide.
Two doctoral students from Marzi had the opportunity to present current research results. Christopher Schmandt gave a lecture on the speed-dependent fracture behavior of rubber-like thick film adhesives. Lukas Loh presented a new test type for investigating nonlinear material behavior.
A summer school was also part of the programme for scientists from the Gießen Department Mechanical and Energy Engineering . Topics included the basics of experimental fracture mechanics and the fracture behavior of polymer materials. The two bachelor students Niklas Ladwig and Maik Kadias were also present in the Serbian capital. According to Marzi, it was a good opportunity for them to gain initial experience at an international conference.