Prof. Stephan Marzi (right) and the master's students Christine Jantos and Peer Schrader test an adhesive connection on a biaxial table testing system.An "innovative design and manufacturing process based on crash energy-absorbing hyperelastic adhesives" is the goal of a research project in which the TH Mittelhessen is collaborating with two medium-sized companies. Project leader at the THM is Dr. Stephan Marzi, Professor of Technical Mechanics and Dynamics at the Gießen Department Mechanical and Energy Engineering . Partners are GlueTec industrial adhesives from Greußenheim and Volante paneling systems from Windischeschenbach in Upper Palatinate. The Federal Ministry of Economics is funding the project with more than 500,000 euros.

In vehicle construction, alongside rivets, screws or welding, bonding is an increasingly important technique for connecting different materials. It can also be considered in principle for assemblies that absorb the impact energy that occurs in an accident. However, a suitable rubber-like adhesive has so far been lacking. The project partners want to develop such an adhesive, which is physiologically and toxicologically harmless and has to harden quickly for production reasons. They want to use this to create adhesive joints that are stable in the event of an accident, for example, and absorb as much impact energy as possible.

A new design and manufacturing process is to be developed as an example for a table construction in rail vehicles. Hyperelastic adhesive joints replace the previously used metallic damping elements. In the event of an accident, they should absorb a large part of the impact energy and significantly reduce the risk of injury.

New measurement methods for the fracture mechanics of hyperelastic adhesive bonds are also being developed as part of the project. The crack propagation at high speeds is recorded three-dimensionally with high-speed cameras. Based on the measurement results, simulation models are to be developed that describe the hyperelastic behavior of the newly developed adhesives under dynamic stress.
Should the project deliver satisfactory results, Marzi sees many other applications for the design and manufacturing process where the absorption of kinetic energy is important. For example, the development of crumple zones for cars based on carbon fiber reinforced plastic is conceivable.

The research project at the Institute for Mechanics and Materials Research will run for three years. It is funded as part of the "Central Innovation Programme for SMEs".