State Secretary Ayse Asar also found out more during a tour of the Makerspace Gießen stand, which offers the opportunity to experiment with future technologies such as 3D printing. Anyone who wanted to find out what scientists at the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen are working on was welcome at the Research Day. Teams from Gießen and Friedberg informed the guests in discussions and demonstrations about current application-related projects and main areas of work.

In his welcome, THM President Prof. Dr. Matthias Willems emphasized the importance of research for the university and the region's medium-sized businesses. The general conditions at the universities of applied sciences (HAW) are significantly worse than at the universities. The researchers therefore needed a high level of intrinsic motivation. Willems praised the “State Offensive for the Development of Scientific and Economic Excellence” (Loewe), from which the THM benefits greatly. The state's investments in research infrastructure were worth it, said Willems. In particular, the expansion of mid-level academic staff at the HAW must continue.

Ayse Asar, State Secretary in the Hessian Minister of Science, emphasized the clear profile development of the THM in research. As far as research is concerned, the THM is the most successful HAW in Hesse. "The 'Research Day' at the TH Mittelhessen is a great event to bring the diversity, the innovations and the methods of research closer to a broad audience. It is important that as many people as possible also get an insight into the research and a Developing a feel for how research works and, of course, for what makes research so fascinating,” said the State Secretary.

School groups also came to the THM for the Research Day.The fields of nanotechnology, optoelectronics, robotics, automotive engineering, energy technology, environmental sciences and e-health, among others, were represented with exhibition stands in Gießen on Wiesenstrasse. The Research Campus of Central Hessen , which promotes joint research activities between the three universities in central Hesse, provided information about the cooperative doctoral opportunities at the THM .

The supporting programme of the Research Day included live music by the band "Billi and the Garbage Mafia" and a lecture by Klaudia Seidel from the Wetzlar Fantastic Library, who spoke about "Science Fiction Ideas for Innovations".