A research project in which the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen is involved is concerned with the “development of organic thin-film transistors for flexible biomedical systems”. Prof. Dr. Alexander Klös from the Competence Center for Nanotechnology and Photonics is cooperating with the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart and the Institute for Microsystems Technology at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg. The project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). THM will receive funding of 250,000 euros over the three-year project period.
The aim of the cooperation partners is to optimize organic thin-film transistors, which are used in biomedicine and are intended to replace silicon technology there. Researchers are focusing on neural interfaces that allow direct connection between the human brain and a computer. An application example is the cochlear implant. This is an electronic hearing prosthesis that can replace the function of the inner ear. Other possible uses include disposable ECG systems or sweat sensors.
The advantages of organic transistors that use plastics as a carrier substance are their flexibility and the comparatively low production costs. However, the technology is currently still too slow, it does not enable radio transmission. Its use is limited by the fact that it is not very durable.
When it comes to optimizing the technology, the partners share the workload. The University of Freiburg is responsible for the circuit design, the THM develops models for circuit simulation, and the Max Planck Institute is responsible for production.
Klös explains the task of his working group in the research network as follows: “Complex microelectronic systems require extensive simulations in the design process. So-called compact models are used here, which describe the electrical behavior of individual components and enable analysis of even complex circuits in a reasonable computing time in network simulators. We use the results of the simulations to optimize the manufacturing process.”
The DFG is funding the project as part of its priority programme "Flexible, flexible high-frequency electronics for wireless communication systems". It is one of 17 projects investigating possible uses of different materials for the manufacture of mechanically flexible electronics.