Prof. Sven Pohl (right) also led the guests in Gießen through various laboratories in the Mechanical and Energy Engineering department. Attentive listeners were (from left) Tania Carbonell Morales, Indira Tobio, Rubén Borrajo Pérez and Ramón Piloto Rodríguez.  Four scientists from the Technical University of Havana were guests at the TH Mittelhessen. Tania Carbonell Morales, Director of the Center for Renewable Energy Technologies (Centro de Estudio de Tecnologías Energéticas Renovables, CETER), Ramón Piloto Rodríguez, Rubén Borrajo Pérez and Indira Tobio are working on a joint project with researchers from THM .

The THM has been cooperating with the university in the Cuban capital since 2001. Among other things, CETER deals with biomass and biofuels, solar collectors, wind farms, fuel cells and efficient building air conditioning.

The partners are currently working on a project on the “potential of biogenic resources for sustainable and environmentally friendly use in Cuba”. Project leader Prof. Dr. Sven Pohl from THM Center for Energy Technology and Energy Management discussed the research results so far with the guests halfway through the two-year period. The project goal is to inventory the types of biomass that can be used for energy production in Cuba. This includes examining ecological effects as well as the question of possible competition between energy production and food production. The project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, is intended to be the starting point for long-term collaboration.