The German Society for Radiation Oncology has appointed Dr. rer. med. Toke Printz Ringbaek received her dissertation award. The prize, endowed with 1,500 euros, “is intended to recognize outstanding creative achievements by individuals and in particular to honor the creativity of our young scientists,” according to the announcement.
Ringbaek's work is a cooperative doctorate in which the TH Mittelhessen and the Philipps University of Marburg were involved. With his dissertation, the 31-year-old physicist made a contribution to improving particle therapy with so-called 2D ripple filters. Their use in cancer therapy leads to an acceleration of the beam application. This is of great medical importance, especially in the case of moving tumors.
The supervisors were Prof. Dr. Klemens Zink from the Institute for Medical Physics and Radiation Protection at THM and Prof. Dr. Rita Engenhart-Cabillic from the Department of Medicine at the University of Marburg. They rated the work “very good”.