Oskar Seifert received his doctorate at the Justus Liebig University Gießen with a thesis on the development of a device for inhalation therapy in humans and animals. The 32-year-old from Marburg is the first graduate of the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen to complete his doctorate at the Department of Veterinary Medicine at JLU and obtain the academic degree of Doctor of Veterinary Biology ( Dr. biol. anim. ).
The dissertation is entitled "Development and validation of a nebulizer system for the individual deposition of aerosol particles in the lung periphery". The system makes it possible for the first time to vary the particle size of an aerosol between two and five micrometers. This allows an administered drug to reach different locations within the lungs. This makes it possible to use it for various diseases, for example asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the so-called smoker's lung. In therapy, the different anatomical dimensions of animals, such as cats and horses, can also be taken into account.
The qualified medical technician's dissertation supervisors were Prof. Dr. Volker Groß from the THM Health Department and Prof. Dr. Martin Kramer from the Department of Veterinary Medicine at JLU. They rated the work as very good.
Dr. Oskar Seifert is a research associate at the THM Health Department. Further research projects on the diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases are planned in cooperation with the veterinarians at JLU.