Web Lecture | Organizing Knowledge - Introduction to Citavi

event details

Date / time October 2, 2024, 9:45 am
Appointment end October 2, 2024, 11:15 am
start of registration September 4, 2024
max participants 30
available seats 27
end of registration October 1, 2024, 9:00 a.m
organizer university library
target group members of the THM
building Online with the Zoom software
Speaker Sanne Kiel-Vogler
lecture language German

The university library provides the literature management software "Citavi for Windows - Literature Management & Knowledge Organization" as a campus license.

THM members can use Citavi free of charge in their studies, teaching and research at work and at home.

In the event, we will show you the most important Citavi functions so that you can decide how to use the programme for your own work situation and start working with Citavi.

These topics are in the foreground:

  • start project
  • collect literature
  • Organize literature and link it to Word
  • Create bibliography and footnotes

The web event includes a one-hour presentation accompanied by a chat. After the end of the lecture, the chat is available for another 30 minutes. The participants can ask their questions parallel to the web presentation and they will be answered after the presentation.

Please sign in. You will receive a confirmation after the registration period has expired.