A new course at the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen is starting. In research and development, THM teams create innovations for industrial practice. The university is expanding its international cooperation network, thereby opening up additional opportunities for students to study abroad. A graduate's thesis receives a prize. A new professor has started work. The THM invites you to public lectures. Here you will find news from teaching, research and university life as a whole.
THM magazine 52, March 2024
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The Issue 52 | March 2024 of the TH information service " THM agazin" with many reports from teaching and research has been published. The print version of the magazine is available free of charge in the INFO. You can find the previous issues of the THM magazine in the download area.
Read more: THM agazin 52, March 2024
Lecture hall with a view of space
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The public astronomy lectures by Prof. Dr. Johannes Ohlert have a tradition at the THM in Friedberg and are constantly attracting interest both inside and outside the university. This summer semester, the programme once again turns to current events in the near and distant cosmos and covers the basics of astronomy and astrophysical topics.
The lecture starts on Thursday, April 11th, at 3:40 p.m. in room A4 0.14 on the THM campus Friedberg (Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 13). The other events in the series follow every Thursday at the same time. At the same time, the lectures are broadcast via the Internet. Information about this is available on the home page.
Prof. Ohlert sees his lecture as an attractive scientific addition to the THM 's range of studies and as an invitation to individual learning: “This offers the opportunity to expand one's own idea of the cosmos, which everyone develops personally, and to build on a physically and scientifically sound basis place."
Read more: Lecture hall with a view of space
Welcome to the summer semester
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The first step into a new life has been taken: the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen ( THM ) welcomed 825 new students in Gießen . Before the first real lecture, you can expect an introductory phase as a so-called STEP programme with a wide range of offers relating to studying and city life.
Martin Kuulmann from the Central students advisory service welcomed the new students in the Gießen congress hall. “The first day of study is a bit like the first day of school,” he joked: you first have to get to know new people, buildings, places and paths – that’s exciting, but then you quickly become familiar. AStA chairman Maurice Kontz compared studying to a toolbox: It makes sense to fill it well with instruments that will be helpful in later professional life. “But the AStA is not responsible for these tools - but for the stickers on the suitcase,” he said. Memories, moments worth living, experiences and acquaintances turned the suitcase into a personal possession, he explained, and promoted student involvement.
Read more: Welcome to the summer semester
Rated as a top university
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Studying is a crucial step on young people's educational path. But how do you find out which university offers the best opportunities? Portals such as StudyCheck, where students can evaluate them according to various criteria, are popular. Once again at the forefront in 2024: the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen ( THM ).
In the Germany-wide ranking THM is ranked 24th out of 102 universities and colleges evaluated and is rated as recommendable by 95 percent of students with four stars. In Hesse, THM even took first place out of ten universities evaluated. The ranking is based on the experience reports published on StudyCheck from the previous calendar year 2023. The decisive factor for placement is the score, which is made up of the star rating and the student recommendation rate. To calculate the ranking, 78,541 published student reviews from 2023 were evaluated. A total of 38 awards were given to 27 universities.
Read more: Rated as a top university
More MINT for rural areas
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Over 50 educational activists from all over Central Hesse accepted the invitation to the third meeting of the regional network for MINT (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology), which took place at an excellent MINT educational location for children and young people, the Theo Koch School (TKS ) in Grünberg.
Since 2011, TKS, the largest school in the Gießen district, has been included in the national excellence network of MINT schools and is one of five schools involved in organizing the Central Hesse MINT Night. How MINT can be promoted in rural areas was also part of the school's presentation. In addition to the school management, students and their teachers from all subject areas were on site to present the MINT offerings with concrete experiments: Flour dust explosions, robot programmeming, math puzzles, PC repairs and measuring the concentration of substances were presented and explained to the network members by groups of students of different ages obvious enthusiasm for MINT.
Read more: More MINT for rural areas
Boost for the medical technology Further step
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“Brainmapping Technology”: This is the name of the LOEWE Transfer Professorship, with which the state of Hesse is using the research of Prof. Dr. Boris Keil supported. The expert in MRI imaging procedures from the Life Science Engineering Department at THM is working on the further development of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for high-precision imaging of the human brain and nervous system.
Since the beginning of the year, Prof. Keil has been leading the new focus “Advanced Medical Physics in Imaging and Therapy” (ADMIT), which was set up as part of the state offensive for the development of scientific-economic excellence (LOEWE), as scientific project coordinator. Closely linked to this is the project with which he convinced the jury when applying for the LOEWE Transfer Professorship. The funding amounts to a total of one million euros and has a term of five years, with the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen contributing a fifth of the sum from budget funds.
Read more: Boost for the medical technology Further step
Artificial intelligence in space
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Artificial intelligence in space: Sounds like a science fiction novel, but it is the focus of a working group at the Competence Center for Nanotechnology and Photonics at the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen ( THM ). An experiment for the ISS is currently being planned with partners from the Justus Liebig University (JLU).
Read more: Artificial intelligence in space
Multilingual cooperation
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Internationally active organizations such as the Working Group of Language Centers (AKS) are of great value for competent, goal-oriented teaching of foreign languages. In March 2024, its members organized the first AKS workshop week throughout Germany under the motto “From practice for practice: Current developments and projects at the AKS language centers”. This also took place at the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen ( THM ).
Read more: Multilingual cooperation
Departure into the future
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The Startup Network Central Hesse cordially invites you to the large networking event “StartMiUp – Departure into the Future”, which will take place on Thursday, April 18, 2024, from 4:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the Justus Liebig University Gießen . StartMiUp has been funded by the EXIST-Potentials programme of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection for four years and has undergone impressive development during this time.
Read more: Heading into the future