Information on university entrance for professionally qualified people

Professionally qualified without a university entrance qualification (General higher education entrance qualification, advanced technical college entrance qualification or equivalent qualification) can University entrance exam (HZP) in which the necessary previous education and suitability for a course of study is determined. Passing the HZP gives you the subject-specific higher education entrance qualification. This entitles you to study in a corresponding course at the universities of the state of Hesse. This will be in the regulation on access for professionally qualified persons of December 16, 2015.

According to this ordinance, cross-university examination boards were set up to carry out the university entrance examination for the respective field of study.

The Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen is responsible for the following areas of study:

  • Field of Study 9, Engineering Sciences - mechanical engineering section
  • Area of ​​Study 10, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, with Geography and Computer Science - Mathematics and computer science sub-area at universities of applied sciences