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Get sustainable action holistically on the way.


Welcome to the sustainability management of the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen

In its university strategy, the THM has set itself the goal of holistically considering sustainability as a cross-sectional dimension, taking an integrative view of ecological, social and economic aspects and in the sense of the whole institution approach in the central performance dimensions of the university - studies & teaching, research, transfer, university operations and Governance (good university management) – to be permanently anchored.

The THM is based on the 17 goals for sustainable development that were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 and are included in the German and Hessian sustainability strategy. In order to achieve these goals, a social transformation is necessary, in the process of which universities in particular have the potential to play a central role as pioneers and initiators. All dimensions of sustainability must play an important role in the actions of every university in view of scientifically proven knowledge about crossing planetary boundaries, which have an important role model function, especially when dealing with their own resources. The THM also wants to live up to this responsibility.

The relevant university areas of the THM should be involved in all activities and students should prepare applied project work as part of their studies with the aim of raising awareness and gaining multipliers within the entire university.

The coordination for the sustainable university development at the THM is carried out by the sustainability management. Sustainability management and the Green Office work in a complementary manner on differentiated approaches to common sustainability issues and are in close contact. Joint activities are also coordinated with those involved in the ECO2 project. The basis for this is both the Hessian University Pact 2021-2025, the University strategy of the THM as well as the THM sustainability strategy.

The sustainability projects are supported as part of the HHSP 2021-2025 by the innovation and structural development funding of the Hessian Ministry for Science and Art.