
Choosing a course is a challenge for many. It is also important to get an idea of ​​the potential university. Take a look at our annual programme try studying, in which we bundle all our individual offers - for you as an individual or for the entire class. If you have any questions about our offers, we look forward to hearing from you.

What if you could try different STEM Degree Courses at the same time to see which one is right for you? The game-based study orientation at mission:me gives you authentic insights and information about a field of study.

Read more: mission:me

"Yes, no, maybe, right, wrong, gut or head?
Untangle the maze of possibilities and make decisions."

When school is over, you are spoiled for choice as to how to proceed in your life. You are faced with so many options - how are you supposed to decide? Sometimes it helps: Just try it!

Read more: Decision Making Workshop

The upcoming HIT will take place on January 29th and 30th, 2025.

As part of the two-day university information days, get to know Gießen , Friedberg and Wetzlar's course offerings and talk to teachers and students - a visit to the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen ( THM ) and the Justus Liebig University (JLU) will help you with yours Study choice.

Read more: University Information Days HIT

Ladies & MINT - just try it! Women test 6 months MINT studies + everyday work in universities and companies.

Are you currently doing your (professional) A-levels and enjoy MATHEMATICS, IT, NATURAL SCIENCE or TECHNOLOGY? But you're still unsure and maybe you're also wondering what a MINT degree looks like and what everyday working life is like?


Read more: Hessen technical center at the THM

On Girls' Day, schoolgirls in grades 5 to 10 get an insight into professional fields that they rarely consider in the career orientation process. Therefore, the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen opens its doors and enables the students to gain their first practical experience in technical and scientific areas.

Read more: Girls' Day

Even if you have already dealt with the information on our website in detail and may have already attended information days, you do not necessarily know what to do after school. At this point, a detailed consultation can be helpful. There you have the opportunity to clarify your open questions in dialogue and receive further information and decision-making aids from our advisors.

Read more: Personal consultation

The Central Hessian MINT night takes place once a year. As part of the event organized by the participating schools, students from five Hessian MINT-EC schools have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of MINT-specific topics in small lectures or experiments.

Read more: MINT Night

Read more: Videos for prospective students