Im Jahr 2012 beteiligte sich die Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen an den folgenden Messen:
18. bis 22. Juni 2012, Frankfurt am Main
Kompetenzzentrum für Biotechnologie und Biomedizinische Physik - BioTecMed
(Sprecher: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Czermak) im Kongressprogramm der Achema 2012:
Concentration and purification of a baculovirus by ion exchange membrane chromatography (Tanja A. Grein et al.)
Secure sterilisation of potentially infectious waste using innovative steam injection technology (Carsten Grumbach et al.)
Online Oil Content Monitor for Optimization of Oily Waste Water Treatment Process with Tubular Ceramic Membranes (Mehrdad Ebrahimi et al.)
Performance of enzyme membrane reactor for continuous production of fructooligosaccharides (Zoltán Kovács et al.)
Dynamic cross flow filtration system for the removal of endotoxin from aqueous solutions via ceramic membranes (S. J. Kerker et al.)
Desalination of acidic and sweet whey by nanofiltration (Zoltán Kovács et al.)
Comparison of Dynamic Production Processes for Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (Christiane Justice et al.)
Construction and Development of Small Scale Bioreactor System for Cell Culture Cultivation Processes (Pablo Pino Grace et al.)
Process development for Galleria mellonella derived gloverin with insect cells (Damir Druzinec et al.)
Fixed-bed cultivations of the probiotic strain Bacillus coagulans for functional food applications (Hendrich Quitmann et al.)
Development of a Production Process of Viral Particles – Kinetic Studies of Measles Virus Production in Vero Cells (Katja Weiss et al.)
Development of a Membrane Reactor System for Bioconversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass by Novel Enzymes (Nadine Busse et al.)
Production of Novel Beverages by Fermentation of Wort by Edible Basidiomycetes (Andrea K. Bosse et al.)