Neuere Fachaufsätze in internationalen wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften mit Peer-Review-Verfahren: 

  • Gallus, C., Blasiak, P. und Pothos, E. M., Winning a CHSH Game without Entangled Particles in a Finite Number of Biased Rounds: How Much Luck Is Needed?, Entropy (2023)25 (5), 824, 
  • Gallus, C.,  Pothos, E. M., Blasiak, P., Yearsley, J. M., und Wojciechowski, B. W., Bell correlations outside physics, Scientific Reports (2023), 13:4394,
  • Gallus, C., Blasiak, P. und Pothos, E. M., Quantifying and Interpreting Connection Strength in Macro- and Microscopic Systems: Lessons from Bell's Approach, Entropy (2022)24 (3), 364,
  • Blasiak, P., Pothos, E. M., Yearsley, J. M., Gallus, C. und Borsuk, E., Violations of locality and free choice are equivalent resources in Bell experiments, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States of America (PNAS) (2021), Vol. 118, No. 17,

Sonstige neuere Fachbeiträge:

  • Gallus, C., Review of: "Bell's theorem is an exercise in the statistical theory of causality", Qeios (2023), 
  • Gallus, C. and Blasiak, P. and Pothos, E. M., Quantifying and Interpreting Connection Strength in Macro- and Microscopic Systems in Entropy: Theory and New Insights (editor: Haghighi, M., 2nd edition), Vide Leaf (2022)
  • Gallus, C., Bell-Korrelationen und Finanzmärkte, THM-Hochschulschriften (2021), Band 16, 

Forschungsinteressen:  Finanzmärkte / Kausale Modelle und Entscheidungsfindung / Maschinelles Lernen und künstliche Intelligenz / Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik